In the spring of 2020 as a soon-to-be electrical engineering grad, I began an ambitious and slightly far-fetched project. With a desire to join one of my top ten favorite companies, I created ten cell-phone-like embedded systems to act as my resume.

Everything from the 3D-printed enclosure and custom circuit boards to over 13,000 lines of bare-metal C code were created by me from scratch. After nearly a year and a half of development, coffee refills, and sleepless nights, I mailed out my Embedded Resume devices and landed an amazing role.

This website is my way of bringing you along with me on the journey.

Experience the Journey

The embedded resume started as a simple napkin sketch and a head full of ideas. 

Follow the story of the device from initial requirements to prototyping, code, hardware and physical design, through testing, production and product promotion. 

an engineer on a mission

Learn more about how my background, skills, and experience can help your team accomplish its development goals.

Take A Virtual Tour